Monday, August 17, 2009

Clever Clever Clever

The guys from Radiohead have to be the cleverest people selling music today. I'm not speaking in terms of the music they are making, but the way they are distributing it. They've just released a single called these are my twisted words.. it's a pretty good song. But how they got it out was amazing. First they mysteriously leaked it onto the web two or three days before its release, gave no explaination and just let the fans figure it out for themselves. There was aboslutely no media involved, no middle men, just a viral release of their new single. Then today, RELEASE DAY!!! they anounce on the greenplastic website that it was a song they've been working on for a while, among others, and they just completed it. And there is a link to w.a.s.t.e (the official site) where you can download a digital copy of the single free of charge (if you wish). They also have a pdf file that comes with the song to print out the album art on tracing paper and assemble the image yourself, it's pretty cool. Thom Yorke did say they had a new radical plan to release their music in the Believer the other week. I'm glad we now know what it is and that it's working. This is probably the first step in the next revolution of the music industry.


  1. great song, really dark. the guy from nine inch nails does the same thing but hes not as big. so not as novel but at the same time amazing. truly evil genius'. i thought the ep was supposed to drop today but i guess i was wrong. dude greenplastic is the best place to follow when one is trying to keep up to date with radiohead shit.

  2. yeah, I don't know why they work faster than dead air space. I thought they were supposed to be the official site. that wall of ice thing, or the EP, was a load of shit. it some random that made his own site and linked it to the original leak. then everyone thought it was the new name for the EP. go to the site, they shut it down and wrote a great message to the guy.

  3. yeah man good call on the wall of ice shit. i checked it out today and it was a load. how are things. i got your last message send me another one when you have time

  4. things are good. I'm going to the british library today, I'm gonna get a library card too... WOOOOO! anyway, I'm gonna keep writing as much as I can. don't worry. and send me some stuff too, I wanna know whats going on in SD
