Wednesday, October 21, 2009


hello, and greetings from beyond the grave. Nah, I'm not really dead. But anyway, I just got my hands on the new Flaming Lips album Embryonic and it blew my mind. It blew it enough for me to write a blog post on it. It has the most unique sound I have heard in a long time, completely different from anything they've done before... very good. Definitely check it out (Pramik - you will like it.)

Also, Charles.. I really hope Munich works out, but I understand if we can't make it happen. See you in a bit.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I went to barcelona, this is one thing I saw.

this is one thing I did.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Seen and The Not Seen...

Richard... A figment of your imagination


6 Men... One is named Richard. The rest are unaware of themselves. After a snack and a brief conversation, they decide friendship will never work out for them and they go their separate ways. Richard goes home to his chickens, the rest disappear completely. Richard looks outside, he thinks it may rain. His dog runs away.

Upon re-appearing, the five men decide that they don't care much for Richard. They take his chickens away, leaving him with nothing. He must move away.


Richard... he has a soul mate. He lives a ways away from her. THEY, do not know each other very well. This is because they have never met.
They are, however, in love. Richard takes pleasure in tennis, so does his soul mate. They would play together, but they don't know each other.

They see each other in the super market, say nothing and leave. Richard finds his dog.


Richard walks down the stairs to exit the building. He leaves his book and coffee behind at his desk. His pants are way too TITE, he must walk slowly so that they do not break. He finds a fish in the window, he takes it and names him Richard Jr. He believes that he and the fish contain many similar characteristics. Later that night they take out the trash together, as expected, it rains. Richard Jr. was very happy for the rain, Richard Sr. was not. He got wet.

more richard... he lives.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


so it's been a long freaking time since I last blogged. thank you for reminding me Keith. since the last post, I've been to rome, austria and now I'm in Paris. I've been taking painting and drawing classes, it's all been great. I'm sorry to say the night life has settled down, a lot, and everything is starting to feel a lot more like school. Although last Saturday, we were out until 6:30 AM because we were attending the White Nights festival which incompasses the entire city of Paris. The night started at Luxembourg Park where there was a giant 8 meter diameter disco ball hanging from a crane. There was also a pile of amps and pulsating florecent lights playing really weird (but interesting) sounds and music. While I was there I met Charline "Delirium" Patchanka and Lou, two hilarious french dancers/coriographers. They spent the rest of the evening with us and we walked all over the city and stopped off at all the crazy things they had set up. France is great, no matter what anyone tells you.

Also I got crabs...

just kidding.

Anyone who knows want to tell me how Thom Yorke and Flea sound together???


But I am almost 100% sure that I will be coming back to San Diego in the spring. I don't want to say anything is definite but it seems to make more sense to stay right now, at least for another semester. If I do stay I'll either go to San Diego Art Academy (which is extremely expensive) or San Diego City College which was an amazing art programme is really cheap. Fred/Kieth: let me know about a room, so I can look for a place if I need to.
