Monday, October 12, 2009

Richard... A figment of your imagination


6 Men... One is named Richard. The rest are unaware of themselves. After a snack and a brief conversation, they decide friendship will never work out for them and they go their separate ways. Richard goes home to his chickens, the rest disappear completely. Richard looks outside, he thinks it may rain. His dog runs away.

Upon re-appearing, the five men decide that they don't care much for Richard. They take his chickens away, leaving him with nothing. He must move away.


Richard... he has a soul mate. He lives a ways away from her. THEY, do not know each other very well. This is because they have never met.
They are, however, in love. Richard takes pleasure in tennis, so does his soul mate. They would play together, but they don't know each other.

They see each other in the super market, say nothing and leave. Richard finds his dog.


Richard walks down the stairs to exit the building. He leaves his book and coffee behind at his desk. His pants are way too TITE, he must walk slowly so that they do not break. He finds a fish in the window, he takes it and names him Richard Jr. He believes that he and the fish contain many similar characteristics. Later that night they take out the trash together, as expected, it rains. Richard Jr. was very happy for the rain, Richard Sr. was not. He got wet.

more richard... he lives.

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