Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Andre Breton

The Spectral Attitudes

I attach no importance to life
I pin not the least of life's butterflies to importance
I do not matter to life
But the branches of salt the white branches
All the shadow bubbles
And the sea-anemones
Come down and breathe within my thoughts
They come from tears that are not mine
From steps I do not take that are steps twice
And of which the sand remembers the flood-tide
The bars are in the cage
And the birds come down from far above to sing before these bars
A subterranean passage unites all perfumes
A woman pledged herself there one day
This woman became so bright that I could no longer see her
With these eyes which have seen my own self burning
I was then already as old as I am now
And I watched over myself and my thoughts like a night watchman in an immense factory Keeping watch alone
The circus always enchants the same tramlines
The plaster figures have lost nothing of their expression
They who bit the smile's fig
I know of a drapery in a forgotten town
If it pleased me to appear to you wrapped in this drapery
You would think that your end was approaching
Like mine
At last the fountains would understand that you must not say Fountain
The wolves are clothed in mirrors of snow
I have a boat detached from all climates
I am dragged along by an ice-pack with teeth of flame
I cut and cleave the wood of this tree that will always be green
A musician is caught up in the strings of his instrument
The skull and crossbones of the time of any childhood story
Goes on board a ship that is as yet its own ghost only
Perhaps there is a hilt to this sword
But already there is a duel in this hilt
During the duel the combatants are unarmed
Death is the least offence
The future never comes

The curtains that have never been raised
Float to the windows of houses that are to be built
The beds made of lilies
Slide beneath the lamps of dew
There will come an evening
The nuggets of light become still underneath the blue moss
The hands that tie and untie the knots of love and of air
Keep all their transparency for those who have eyes to see
They see the palms of hands
The crowns in eyes
But the brazier of crown and palms
Can scarcely be lit in the deepest part of the forest
There where the stags bend their heads to examine the years
Nothing more than a feeble beating is heard
From which sound a thousand louder or softer sounds proceed
And the beating goes on and on
There are dresses that vibrate
And their vibration is in unison with the beating
When I wish to see the faces of those that wear them
A great fog rises from the ground
At the bottom of the steeples behind the most elegant reservoirs of life and of wealth
In the gorges which hide themselves between two mountains
On the sea at the hour when the sun cools down
Those who make signs to me are separated by stars
And yet the carriage overturned at full speed
Carries as far as my last hesitation
That awaits me down there in the town where the statues of bronze
and of stone have changed places with statues of wax Banyans banyans.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


beep beep - boop - beep beep - boop - beep beep - boop beep boop beep

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


hello, and greetings from beyond the grave. Nah, I'm not really dead. But anyway, I just got my hands on the new Flaming Lips album Embryonic and it blew my mind. It blew it enough for me to write a blog post on it. It has the most unique sound I have heard in a long time, completely different from anything they've done before... very good. Definitely check it out (Pramik - you will like it.)

Also, Charles.. I really hope Munich works out, but I understand if we can't make it happen. See you in a bit.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I went to barcelona, this is one thing I saw.

this is one thing I did.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Seen and The Not Seen...

Richard... A figment of your imagination


6 Men... One is named Richard. The rest are unaware of themselves. After a snack and a brief conversation, they decide friendship will never work out for them and they go their separate ways. Richard goes home to his chickens, the rest disappear completely. Richard looks outside, he thinks it may rain. His dog runs away.

Upon re-appearing, the five men decide that they don't care much for Richard. They take his chickens away, leaving him with nothing. He must move away.


Richard... he has a soul mate. He lives a ways away from her. THEY, do not know each other very well. This is because they have never met.
They are, however, in love. Richard takes pleasure in tennis, so does his soul mate. They would play together, but they don't know each other.

They see each other in the super market, say nothing and leave. Richard finds his dog.


Richard walks down the stairs to exit the building. He leaves his book and coffee behind at his desk. His pants are way too TITE, he must walk slowly so that they do not break. He finds a fish in the window, he takes it and names him Richard Jr. He believes that he and the fish contain many similar characteristics. Later that night they take out the trash together, as expected, it rains. Richard Jr. was very happy for the rain, Richard Sr. was not. He got wet.

more richard... he lives.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


so it's been a long freaking time since I last blogged. thank you for reminding me Keith. since the last post, I've been to rome, austria and now I'm in Paris. I've been taking painting and drawing classes, it's all been great. I'm sorry to say the night life has settled down, a lot, and everything is starting to feel a lot more like school. Although last Saturday, we were out until 6:30 AM because we were attending the White Nights festival which incompasses the entire city of Paris. The night started at Luxembourg Park where there was a giant 8 meter diameter disco ball hanging from a crane. There was also a pile of amps and pulsating florecent lights playing really weird (but interesting) sounds and music. While I was there I met Charline "Delirium" Patchanka and Lou, two hilarious french dancers/coriographers. They spent the rest of the evening with us and we walked all over the city and stopped off at all the crazy things they had set up. France is great, no matter what anyone tells you.

Also I got crabs...

just kidding.

Anyone who knows want to tell me how Thom Yorke and Flea sound together???


But I am almost 100% sure that I will be coming back to San Diego in the spring. I don't want to say anything is definite but it seems to make more sense to stay right now, at least for another semester. If I do stay I'll either go to San Diego Art Academy (which is extremely expensive) or San Diego City College which was an amazing art programme is really cheap. Fred/Kieth: let me know about a room, so I can look for a place if I need to.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dear Fred,

"Old friends,
Sat on their park bench
Like bookends.
A newspaper blown through the grass
Falls on the 'round toes
On the high shoes
Of the old friends.

Old friends.
Winter companions,
The old men
Lost in their overcoats,
Waiting for the sunset.
The sounds of the city,
Sifting through trees,
Settle like dust
On the shoulders
Of the old friends

Can you imagine us
Years from today,
Sharing a park bench quietly?
How terribly strange
To be seventy.
Old friends,
Memory brushes the same years,
Silently sharing the same fear..."



Thursday, September 10, 2009


I saw the statue of David. I saw Rembrant paintings. I saw Da Vinci sketches. I saw Michaelangelo's slaves. I saw the Arsenali. I saw the Giardini. I was embarrassed that Bruce Nauman represented USA. I saw Rauschenburg's exhibit. I saw Futurism at its best. I saw the Medici Palace. I saw Geotto's bell tower. I saw Donatello's cathedral statues. I saw a lot more than that. I liked it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Musical Psychosis

Sorry it's taken so long to update the blog, so much has happened since my last post. Starting with the most recent, I was at the Leeds Festival last night and witnessed some truly amazing shows. For starters, there was Vampire Weekend.. did some great songs but I think they had some sound problems so it was a little disappointing. Then we got to see the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs who I thought did a lot better. They also had some great songs to play. By the time Bloc Party had come on, things had gotten pretty out of hand. With the combination of high energy rock and hundreds of thousands of people all wanting to get as close as possible, it was pretty tough to concentrate on the music without passing out of getting trampled. Their set was pretty good though. For the finale, we got to see Radiohead... and if you don't know, they are by far my favorite band still playing. I got a front row seat for this set, which required some very physical maneuvering as well as stamina but it was definitely worth it. The set list was amazing:

  1. 15 Step
  2. Airbag
  3. There There
  4. All I Need
  5. Lucky
  6. Nude
  7. Morning Bell
  8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
  9. 2+2=5
  10. A Wolf At The Door
  11. Videotape
  12. (Nice Dream)
  13. The Gloaming
  14. Reckoner
  15. The National Anthem
  16. Bodysnatchers
  17. Idioteque
  18. Encore:
  19. You and Whose Army?
  20. These Are My Twisted Words
  21. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
  22. Paranoid Android
  23. Just
  24. Everything In Its Right Place
The new song, These Are my Twisted Words is a great live song as well. The studio version doesn't really do it justice. Wolf at the Door was a surprise but it really killed, as did the National Anthem/Bodysnatchers/Idioteque combo. I have some videos too... (the sound is alright)




Fred, I hope you got my phone messages. I was thinking of you.


I've also been spending a lot of time at art galleries. My favorite so far (apart from the tate) has been the SAATCHI gallery. It some of the most exciting contemporary pieces I've ever seen. Like the old man bumper cars...

These were fully automated, 100% realistic old men in automatic wheelchairs. They had sensors on the chair and they just rolled around the room hitting each other and the walls. I was able to walk around with them and experience it first hand. It was one of the best experiences I've had in an art gallery.


Before that, I took a trip with Gabby to the Battersea Power Station. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's the structure on the cover of Pink Floyd's Animals album. It truly is an architectural masterpiece. You can't really experience the enormity of it until you get there and walk around it...

This leaves us with the song of the day.

I hope you've all enjoyed this last update, I hope I hear from you soon.

You know that I care what happens to you,
and I know that you care for me too,
so I don't feel alone,
or the weight of the stone,
now that I've found somewhere safe
to bury my bone.
And any fool knows a dog needs a home,
a shelter from pigs on the wing.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


so there is just one week 1eft ti11 I see what wi11 probab1y be the greatest concert of my 1ife up to this point. it might get topped by the F1aming 1ips in november, just because I HEAR they do a great show. but we'11 see!!!!!!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Clever Clever Clever

The guys from Radiohead have to be the cleverest people selling music today. I'm not speaking in terms of the music they are making, but the way they are distributing it. They've just released a single called these are my twisted words.. it's a pretty good song. But how they got it out was amazing. First they mysteriously leaked it onto the web two or three days before its release, gave no explaination and just let the fans figure it out for themselves. There was aboslutely no media involved, no middle men, just a viral release of their new single. Then today, RELEASE DAY!!! they anounce on the greenplastic website that it was a song they've been working on for a while, among others, and they just completed it. And there is a link to w.a.s.t.e (the official site) where you can download a digital copy of the single free of charge (if you wish). They also have a pdf file that comes with the song to print out the album art on tracing paper and assemble the image yourself, it's pretty cool. Thom Yorke did say they had a new radical plan to release their music in the Believer the other week. I'm glad we now know what it is and that it's working. This is probably the first step in the next revolution of the music industry.



Today I went alone to the Tate Modern..
the art gallery.
I was one of the best experiences
of my life. I took the number 4 bus
to St. Paul's Station, where I got
out and walked around St. Paul's
cathedral. It truly is an architectural
masterpiece. Then I walked across
the millennium bridge, which is also pretty astonishing. Just to be able to stand above the river and look down it on both sides for miles and miles, it blew my mind. Then into the gallery... The amount of art they have and the quality of it, has to make it my favorite modern art gallery that I've been to. The structure itself is amazing. I loved the video art sections the most, there's a lot of great stuff. Anyway, it took me a good 3 or 4 hours to go around the whole thing, and I can't wait to do it again with all my class mates next week.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Today me, Charles, Aiasha, and Graeme went to Cambridge for a bit of punting. For those of you that haven't heard of punting, (which included me up until today) it's boating with a stick. It was amazing fun, Cambridge is an absolutely beautiful city. We went under a bridge and Charles didn't duck and almost got knocked into the water. Anyway, I still miss you Fred, and I'm excited to see all my good ass friends. Safe travels everybody.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

London... So Far

I've been here about two and a half days and it's been great. Just hanging out with the friends -- the English way. Leeds is getting closer and closer, it's very exciting. Also, I'm going to Edinbourgh this monday to see Kris, should be fun.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Little Speaker - Underworld

The Raindrops.....

The Raindrops.....

The Raindrops.....

The Raindrops.....

London Tomorrow Night

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Anyone for tennis?...... Wouldn't that be nice


Just a couple more days till I'm back in the UK, how I've missed you. I'm staying with my good friend Charles, he's great. I'll be in Islington. Here is the flat we're staying in.

I also found out I got into my backup school in San Francisco, SF Art Academy. Got some tough decisions to make now...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Moving Out

I moved out of my apartment in San Diego this morning. It was pretty emotional, sorting through the records, remembering the ones that really kept me and Fred going... Animals, Pablo Honey, Thick as a Brick, Simon & Garfunkel. Then emptying the fridge and seeing all the Stone growlers and arrogant bastards.. ah Keith, the sexual tension between us. We really had fun this summer, a lot of fun. I will forever remember Caminito Juanico 6341. Best fishes everyone....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Strange Days

It's been a weird few days.. actually weeks. I can't wait to see Anne, David Berg, and David Pramik. I'm really gonna miss my roommates too. It's been a great summer with you guys. And I hope Fred can pick up where I left off in terms of soulless jokes. I've got England ahead in a week, and I've been counting the days for months...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Joy Division

Short Film (Un Chien Andalou)

One of my friends showed me this late last night, thanks Mitch Hodgson.

It's worth it to watch the whole thing...

Click Un Chien Andalou to watch

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brain Parasites

I had a dream that some parasites got into my head. They began to live off my brain and the hospital sent me into an induced coma. While I was in a coma, I was still conscious of everything around me. I found out that the parasites cannot be removed without killing me, and the only way to kill the parasites was to turn off my brain momentarily so they had nothing to survive on. The trick was, I had to stay alive longer than the parasites, without a brain, or I would end up dying anyway. I was able to feel my brain being turned off and I could also feel the parasites dying. Just before everything went black, the doctors turned my brain back on and said, "You made it!" I had never been more relieved (in a dream that is). When I got home, I started to have headaches again. And went in for a checkup and the doctor said one parasite had survived and repopulated in my head, my heart sank.. and then someone woke me up. I was glad it was a dream.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

This is my, Sean Stevens', blog for Euroterm.. So i can continue to stay in contact with my friends while I'm gone... forget about twitter and facebook